Sarah Waldron Brinton

Why do we feel the need to compartmentalize our lives? We separate our family life from our art life from whatever other lives we might have, when that energy could be focused on seeing how they enhance each other. For Sarah Waldron Brinton, new member of PARC, every moment has a potential to be an aesthetic and nourishing experience if we only take the time to notice it.

“ One of my favorite things about my son is that he leaves little, weird messes all around the house. It’s equal parts annoying as it is inspiring to me. I sometimes think about what my life was before, when I didn’t have these little surprises from him. He comes into the kitchen while I’m cooking and is banging a metal colander in the tile. I notice that sound and I start to imagine how I could incorporate it into a piece that involves these funny noises that my son makes... My creativity has been enhanced by being a mother because I have something to do that is initiating experiences for me that I wouldn’t otherwise have.”



Thunderstruck Collective


Kei Ito